Karpadakis Emmanouil
Olive Oil is life, Quality Excellence in Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an art Emmanouil is living in the island of Crete. He has studied mechanical engineering and worked initially in the aviation and later in the field of international relations. For the last 15 years, he is working in the olive oil sector as a professional in the olive mill technology and production of superior quality EVOO along with international marketing. Trained by IOC instructors, he is a member of a certified panel of tasters in Crete, and he participates in international competitions as an experienced judge. Being expert in his field with recognized knowledge and experience, he has present olive oil related topics, in International fairs and summits as invited speaker (IOC summit, FHC summit, HORECA forum etc). As a certified instructor, he is developing training courses on olive oil related topics for olive millers, bottlers, chefs, consumers etc. In addition, for the last eight years, he is Vice President of the Exporters Association of Crete.