Suzan Kantarcı Savaş
Dr. Suzan Kantarcı Savaş is a statistician and olive oil taster, born on January 1985. Her family
moved to Ayvalik, Turkey from Lesvos, Greece in 1924 as part of the population exchange. She
grew up in Ayvalık, known as the olive land of Turkey. She has a bachelor, master and doctoral
degree in statistics. She has worked in Econometrics Department in Kırklareli University,
Kırklareli, Turkey, as a research assistant since 2013.
In 2007, she decided to contribute statistics to olive fruit and started to research olive oil.
statement of her master’s thesis was “Multi-Expert Decision-Making by Using 2 Tuple Fuzzy
Linguistic Representation and its Application to Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation.” Then, she
assisted panel leader, Ummuhan Tibet, in the National Olive Oil Council.
In 2011, she received a scholarship from the International Olive Oil Council for the university
specialisation course in the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oil (university expert
diploma) at the University of Jaén (Spain), representing the National Olive and Olive Oil Council
of Turkey.
Between 2012-2018, she has carried out the panel leadership of the Ayvalık Chamber of
Commerce voluntarily.
As her latest assessment activity, she participated 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 New York
International Olive Oil Competitions (NYIOOC) as its youngest judge by Curtis Cord’s invitation.
And she also participated 2015 Argoliva as a judge in Argentina.
She is currently working for a project of Aquaculture Central Research Institute, “Development
of a Database by Determining Fatty Acid Ethyl-Methyl Esters and Minor Components of Virgin
Olive Oil Produced in Different Regions in Our Country.’’
Nowadays, she is working on an olive oil book which includes the information about olive oil
and recipes from their family cusine.